

We help you process scholarships and aid for students with specific needs for educational support.

What do these scholarships consist of?

The NEAE scholarships are financial aid granted by the Ministry of Education and Science on an annual basis and managed by the different Autonomous Communities, for all those students who require certain support and specific educational attention, derived from disabilities or serious behavioral disorders, in which They also include those students affected by ADHD, or special educational needs due to high intellectual abilities. These aids consist of financial compensation intended to address the needs of the student. .
  • Ayudas para alumnado con necesidad específica de apoyo educativo derivada de discapacidad o trastorno grave de conducta.
  • Ayudas para programas complementarios a alumnos con necesidad específica de apoyo educativo asociada a altas capacidades..
Alumnos escolarizados en centros educativos españoles que acrediten la necesidad específica de recibir apoyo educativo y reúnan los requisitos establecidos en la convocatoria.