Manual therapy
Manual therapy, a part of Physiotherapy constituted by the set of methods and acts with the therapeutic and/or preventive purpose that we apply manually on the muscular, bone, connective and nervous tissues, obtains directly and/or reflexively, physiological reactions that balance and normalize the various muscular, osteoarticular, organic and functional alterations, as well as their painful manifestations.
- It acts on mobility restrictions of any connective element within the framework of mechanical disorders or functional blockages.
- Manual action on tissues is carried out within the limits of physiological mobility. This set of methods and acts may also trigger vegetative responses and stimulate lymphatic and/or blood circulation.
- It is the therapeutic use of the hands in a rigorous, methodical, trained and scientific manner, based on a thorough and detailed anamnesis, the study, exploration and assessment of the patient.
- The mechanical injury or dysfunction object of study by manual methodology is an alteration of function that can affect any connective element and is characterized by a restriction of mobility total or partial of said tissue and whose restriction may occur in one or more mobility parameters.
- The techniques used are always based on scientific evidence, such as: massage therapy, osteoarticular manipulation, neurodynamics, Mulligan, Maitland, myofascial induction, etc.
- anxiety problems and disorders: agoraphobia, social phobia, specific phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic attack, acute stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder…